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Privacy Policy is a domain and trade name of Exclusiva BV, located in Zwolle and Amsterdam. The activities of Servicesets will be executed from the office in Zwolle. The administration of Servicesets is located at the headquarters in Amsterdam. You will find all our contact information on our contact page.

On this page, we further explain how we treat your information.

When you visit we save the information that is being used to improve the contents of the site. The following information will be collected and (temporarily) saved:

All this information will only be used internally and will not be passed on to other organisations for commercial purposes.

At, we use cookies. (A cookie is a small file that is sent to an Internet server and which installs itself on the hard drive of your computer. This file keeps track of the visited website and contains a number of data about this visit.) Cookies register for instance information sessions. For yourself this is handy, because for instance your shopping carts will be saved temporarily. It provides us with information we use to for instance adjust the technique and the presentation of the site for browsers which our visitors use.

If you wish to not receive promotional emails in the future from Servicesets, you can always unsubscribe using the link provided in these emails. You will only receive information you requested, at the address you provided us with.

Our company will only contact you by telephone in case it is necessary to informer you orders you placed online. It is also possible we contact you by telephone in respond of for instance contact form you filled in.

If you would like to contact us in regard to our privacy policy, it is best if you do this by email. Our email address and further contact information can be found on our contact page.